Monday, June 20, 2005

Dr. Levine reads a cool inscription. Posted by Hello

Fred by the Gulf of Corinth Posted by Hello

Lunch in the Gorge Posted by Hello

Kelly, Natalie, Jordan, Sara, and Sarah cross a bridge in the Samarian Gorge. Posted by Hello

Paulson and Levine at German cemetary on Crete Posted by Hello

Samantha, Natalie, Sara, Laura, and Kelly at Phaistos Posted by Hello

Don, Evin, Jordan, me, Andrew, Devin, and Fred at the tomb of Kazantzakis Posted by Hello

Evin embraces the city. Posted by Hello

I was falling asleep as I wrote this caption:
Kelly, Kris, Chris J., and Fred spilt this money up in your hair.
I just woke up and that's what I'd written. Thank you, jet lag. Posted by Hello

Greek man on a donkey at ancient Thira Posted by Hello

Samantha, Sarah, Kelly, Sara, Lolly, Natalie, Andrew, Fred and Jordan Posted by Hello

Natalie and Kelly on Acrocorinth Posted by Hello

Samantha on Acrocorinth Posted by Hello

Freddoccino - More than Ice and Coffee Posted by Hello

Bryce guards Palamidi. Posted by Hello

Devin, Jordan, and Natalie enjoy our morning swim. Posted by Hello

Andrew, Devin, me, and Jordan Posted by Hello

Chris C. overlooks the theater at Epidaurus. Posted by Hello

I speak at the Theater of Epidaurus. Posted by Hello

I could hear Dr. Levine dropping coins from the top of the theater. Posted by Hello

Dr. Levine at Epidaurus Posted by Hello

Evin with Parasol Posted by Hello

Paulson and Levine on Mystras Posted by Hello

On a Tower Posted by Hello

Jordan and Andrew on Mystras Posted by Hello